Luxor Liquor Liscence Hearing

This is a correspondence we received from the Liquor Authority regarding the Suspension of Luxor Restaurant License. If the community havs any concerns or support this is the time to address them with the Liquor Authority before a decision is made.


Please be advised that the above referenced matter will be before the Members of the Authority for determination at the July 27, 2022 Full Board meeting for reconsideration.

This meeting is OPEN to the public. This meeting will be held on the 3RD FLOOR of the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building, 163 West 125th Street, New York NY 10027. Video conferencing will also be available at the Alfred E. Smith State Office Building, 80 South Swan Street, Albany, NY 12210 and at the Authority’s Buffalo office in the Iskalo Electric Tower Building, 535 Washington Street, Suite 303, Buffalo, New York. The meeting will start promptly at 10:00 AM and will also be streamed live on the Authority’s YouTube channel. A link to the live stream will be available on the Authority’s website:

For those who wish to attend the meeting in person:

  • You may appear at any of the three locations. Please have a photo ID available when you arrive since you will need to check in with security in the first-floor lobby.
  • Limitations will be placed on the amount of time allocated to speakers on each item. Further information will be made available on the Authority’s website and announced at each meeting.
  • Anyone intending on speaking before the Members on a matter will be required to include their name along with the agenda number for that matter on a list at each location. With rare exceptions, items will be called in the order they appear on that list, first in Buffalo, then Albany and then New York.
  • If you intend on appearing in Albany or Buffalo, please email Secretary’s Office @ at least one day in advance of the meeting date and please plan on arriving (with photo ID) at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. You will need to check in with security in the first-floor lobby.
  • Interpreter services are available to applicants, at no charge, by the Authority. If you are in need of such services, please email Secretary’s Office @ or call (518) 474-3114 and follow the prompts to Secretary’s Office. Please note that a delay in requesting an interpreter may require that the matter be held over until a later meeting.
  • If you have any supplemental material you wish the Members of the Authority to review, it must be received in Secretary’s Office no later than 2:00 p.m. on July 22, 2022 in order to afford time for the Members to review.  Documents should be emailed to Any material received after 2:00 p.m. will not be accepted or considered. Please refrain from bringing new materials to the Members of the Authority on the day of the meeting.
  • Requests for copies of any submissions made by those in support or opposition should be directed to Please refrain from contacting the Secretary’s Office directly with those requests.
  • If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary’s Office either by email @ or by phone @ (518) 474-3114 and follow the prompts to Secretary’s Office.

Thank you,

Secretary’s Office

New York State Liquor Authority

Alfred E. Smith Office Building, Suite 900

80 South Swan Street, Albany, NY  12210-8002

(518) 474-3114 |